Sunday, June 21, 2009

Travel Envy

My passport expired long ago and I haven’t applied for a new one. I want to have a passport. I intend to apply but I have no sense of urgency. I don’t expect to be travelling out of the United States any time soon. My circumstances now don’t allow for long or expensive trips.

I wish, often, that it were otherwise. I rarely read travel books but I find myself gazing at the pictures of exotic places that grace their covers and saying to myself, “Why am I here?” I’m not questioning my purpose in life. My life has plenty of meaning. I find it in my relationships with God and with my family. I’m just wondering why I am in Weymouth, Massachusetts, and not in Africa, or New Zealand, or Brazil, or England, or New Mexico, or anywhere else. The world is full of places that I’ve never been and want to see, and equally full of places I’ve been before and want to see again.

Many of my happiest memories are of trips I’ve taken in the past with family and friends. It is a joy to go new places, do new things, eat new foods. I miss the days when I traveled more widely, when I accumulated stamps in my passport and highway miles on my car. I do remember, though, that there were times when I longed for the comforts of home. Now that I spend most of my time in my home I need to remember to savor those comforts. And when home is too small and boring, I have to remind myself that there are adventures waiting for me in my own back yard.

Even here in Weymouth there are places I have never been, activities that I have never tried, and foods I have never tasted. Boston is close enough that I can go for a day, do plenty, and be back for dinner without ever getting behind the wheel of my car. If I feel like driving, most of New England can be visited in a day. There are probably more things to see and do within one hundred miles of where I live than I could manage in a lifetime. So until the roads and skies of the world open up for me again and I start accumulating miles on my car and stamps in a new passport I’ll go out and find my adventures close to home. I won’t lack for travelling companions and I’ll make plenty of new memories to take with me when I’m again travelling the country and the world.

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