Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Busy Maura (Busy Dad)

Now that Maura is back in school all of her other activities are starting too. Ice skating, soccer and Hebrew school have all started up right along with Maura’s school year. Now the carefree hours Maura spent reading and watching TV during the summer are taken up with practices, lessons and organized games, not to mention homework and chores. Maura is glad to be back at all of her regular activities. She loves ice skating and she enjoys soccer and even her Hebrew school classes. She’s a little less happy about doing her homework and her chores. With a little reminding she does her homework without many complaints but it often seems that she does everything she can to put off her chores until there isn’t enough time for her to get them done. I usually have to remind her several times to empty the dishwasher and clean out our cats’ litter boxes. I’m glad to know I have a normal child. I don’t much care for doing chores either and cleaning the litter boxes was definitely not a favorite of mine when I did it before Maura was old enough to take over.
When Maura is busy I’m busy too. I step into the role of Maura's chauffeur. It is a role I don’t enjoy. Maura’s activities are far flung and often at inconvenient times. I hate fighting traffic and I worry about the cost of gas. I do what I need to so that Maura can get the opportunities she needs to become a well-rounded person. At least I don’t have to worry about being late for work. I do find I enjoy the time while Maura is busy. It can be fun watching Maura have fun but I often use the time to work. I can bring my laptop computer almost anywhere and my notebook and a pen anywhere at all.
My antipathy to driving is one reason why Jennifer and I have chosen Maura’s after school activities but it is hardly the most important one. We have chosen to limit Maura to three days of after school activities not because I get tired of driving her around (which I do) but because we believe that unstructured time is valuable. Maura needs and deserves an occasional afternoon off so that, once she has finished her homework and chores, she can spend time playing with her friends, reading a book, or watching TV. I have no doubt she is happier for having some free time.

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