Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Cape Cod Road Trip, Sunday August 10th, 2008

This Sunday the whole family got into the car and headed for Cape Cod to visit some old friends who had invited us to a barbecue at there home. My wife Jennifer and I shared the driving and Maura came along for the ride.

It was great for the adults to see old friends and Maura had a wonderful time meeting new people. She always does. She got into a game of touch football and she and I had a good time trying to play horseshoes. I managed a few ringers but Maura never to get the hang of it. I'm uncertain whether she is big enough to pitch the horseshoe the whole distance but she enjoyed trying, not the least because her daddy was trying with her. It didn't really matter to either of us whether she could ever hit a ringer.

We were lucky with the weather. It's been rainy on Cape Cod this summer as it has been in the rest of Massachusetts. It didn't rain on the barbecue though. We did hear a storm in the distance that made Maura nervous and we drove past another on our way home as I negotiated the Sunday traffic heading back towards Boston from the Cape.

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